@php use \App\Enums\TransactionType; use \App\Enums\TransactionStatus; $amount = $transaction->amount; $currency = $transaction->currency; $tnx_amount = $transaction->tnx_amount; $tnx_currency = $transaction->tnx_currency; $user_amount = money($transaction->tnx_amount, $transaction->tnx_currency, ['dp' => 'calc']); if($transaction->tnx_currency!=base_currency()) { $user_amount = money($transaction->tnx_amount, $transaction->tnx_currency, ['dp' => 'calc']) . ' ('. money($transaction->amount, $transaction->currency, ['dp' => 'calc']). ')'; } @endphp
{!! __('Withdraw ID# :orderid', ['type'=> $type, 'orderid' => ''.the_tnx($transaction->tnx).'' ]) !!}

{!! __("User (:name) request to withdraw :amount via :Method. Please send the payment to user account and complete the withdraw.", ['method' => ''.$transaction->method_name.'', 'amount' => ''.$user_amount.'', 'name' => ''.the_uid($transaction->customer->id).'' ]) !!}

@if (data_get($transaction, 'tnx_fees'))

{!! __("Total withdraw :amount including fees :fee.", ['amount' => ''.money(data_get($transaction, 'tnx_total'), $tnx_currency, ['dp' => 'calc']).'', 'fee' => ''.money(data_get($transaction, 'tnx_fees'), $tnx_currency, ['dp' => 'calc']).'']) !!}

{{ __('The reference will display to user.') }}
{{ __('Helps to identify the payment (Admin).') }}
{{ __('The note or remarks help to reminder. Only administrator can read from transaction details.') }}

{!! __("Confirm that you've paid and want to COMPLETED this :type request.", ['type' => ''. __(ucfirst($type)) .'']) !!}