@php $title = "Installation Error"; $heading = "Application is not installed properly"; $message = "We are very sorry for inconvenience. Unfortunately we cannot figure out the issues. You may contact us our support team."; $recheck = true; $err = [ 'checkDatabaseConnection' => "Sorry, we are unable to connect with database. Please check your database connection and try again.", 'checkFilePermissions' => "Seems like you have not set folder permission as per installation guideline. Please check folder permission and try again.", 'checkAllMandatoryTableExists' => "Seems like you have connected with database. But we have not found necessary database tables for the application. You should import the correct database and try again.", ]; if (session()->has('installation_error')) { $errpull = session()->pull('installation_error'); if (isset($err[$errpull])) { $message = $err[$errpull]; } } if (isset($db_error) && $db_error===true) { $title = "Internal System Error"; $heading = "Sorry, something went wrong!"; $message = "We're sorry for inconvenience. Please try again later or feel free to contact us if the problem persists."; $recheck = false; } @endphp {{ $title }}

{{ $heading }}


{{ $message }}


{{ ($recheck) ? __("Check again") : __("Back to Home") }}